The OC

I'm Windsweeper, an athletic mare with a sporty short mane and short tail.
I'm lesbian, so no dicks please, thank you. Otherwise open to try a lot of things.
Not only am I only a huge one-piece swimsuit lover, I also love some other stuff. An extensive list of my fetishes can be found over at my f-list.

The pixel pony image should be the source of color.

#c33658 Body Fill
#7a2137 Body Outline

#9b2b44 Body Fill (Shadow)
#611b2b Body Outline (Shadow)

#43f9f3 Mane (Bright)
#239e98 Mane (contrast)

#2fb9f9 Eye Color
#e68d3e Tongue Color

⏬ Scroll down for more references.

Reference Images

Press this button to allow display of Not Safe For Work images.

More images can be found at Derpibooru at the oc:windsweeper tag.


Regarding cutiemark, I usually prefer if artists draw it as well, as that makes the style of the piece more coherent.
If it’s drawn by the same artist that looks usually much better.
However I can provide a high resolution file of the cutiemark for you to use, so you don’t have to use anything low resolution cut out from another image.

#2f9bdc Foreground
#213a69 Background

#ffffff (100% down to 39% opacity) White reflection
#369cd9 (about 20% opacity) Glass layer

🔗 Full resolution file